Sunday, January 2, 2011

Too Busy Designing Digital Scrapbooking Kit

Wow, my designing mojo is really overflowing these days.

Actually, I already finished yet another digi-scrapping kit that I have already uploaded at Artscow. I guess I'll join it at the bi-weekly contest to attract more customers in using that kit. I'm excited with this new kit as it has fresh and lively colors. I also made a year in review template using that kit and I'll be sharing this here.

During the holidays, when I have time, I'm just designing and designing and refrain from blogging that's why I was able to make new kit and lots of templates. It's quite tiring but it's fulfilling once I see my designs used by customers. There are times that my back is aching and been thinking if a varier kneeling chair can help my posture while using my laptop on table.

I'm planning to make another kit after I have done few more templates. I'm just taking the advantage of my designing mojo and my free time before I'll go back to my blogging mode once again. Stay tune for the new kit that I'm talking about that I named LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

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