Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making Digi-Kits is Rewarding

I started digital scrapbooking way back in 2005 and up until now I'm scrapping and making photobooks for my personal use. Aside from that, I also make digital scrapbooking kits that I sell at Artscow.com. Customers can't download my kits from that site but they can use it for their projects such as photobooks, bags, and more on the site.

I also make different templates using all of my digi kits that artscow customers can use for free. In turn, I get a commission if a customer uses my template. It makes me feel so happy when I see someone who uses my creations. I feel I won an award for that. If only I can give myself an award... hmmm why not? I can order a trophy at AwardsForAnything.com and make one for myself hehe. Making kits is very rewarding and knowing someone appreciates and uses my work is heartwarming.

I have couple of kits coming up so watch out for it.

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