Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Starting a New Digi-Scrapping Kit

The days are getting colder each morning here in our part of the world. I’ve been getting a dose of morning cold breeze in the last few days and that made me lazy to get up each morning to have my breakfast and start working on my new kit. It was also raining the other day and that made it even colder but not enough to wear a thick jacket like that of sierra designs that I saw online.

I also got piqued when my net suddenly was gone. I don’t want to end up doing nothing that evening so I opened my photoshop and started making a new kit. Yey! I was quick in finding a color swatch and that includes hues of orange, browns and blue. I will share my newest kit once it is done. I’m half way done but I still need to put some more elements and hopefully set of alphas.

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