Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Late Night Digi Designing

Just in case you didn't know, I've been designing digital scrapbooking kits since 2007 and have sold some of my designs at an online scrap store. I had to resign from my work after a year because I can't keep up with the designer duties of the store and it's eating up my time. Aside from that I was not earning that much with my designs so I have no choice but to quit.

I went back in digi-designing just last year when I saw that ARTSCOW, is having a bi-weekly contest at their website. I thought it was a good chance to earn extra so I entered my old designs and I was so happy that the it won a place at the contest. I was inspired so I end up making new digital scrapbooking kits that I can join even though it means that I need to stay up late than usual. I really don't have to worry if I'll develop dark circles around my eyes because I know there are lots of under eye creams in the market today.

I just hope that every time that I join the contest, I'll win the 3 major place so as to compensate my hard work. Watch out for more of my designs. You can see my digi kit designs at ARTSCOW.

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